Saturday, April 24, 2010


Title: Buz
Written and illustrated by Richard Egielski
Age: 3-7

Anyone who has ever worried about eating a spider in their sleep or has gone to a restaurant where there was a bug in their food will appreciate this book.
Buz is a mosquito-like bug (sorry but that's the extent of my entomology knowledge) who winds up on a spoonful of corn flakes entering a little boy's mouth and then gets stuck inside the little boy. The story is written from Buz's perspective as he tries to escape. The boy takes a trip to the doctor and is given two pills (the pills are illustrated on the book cover). These pills are chasing down Buz so they can eliminate him from the boy's body. Buz gets away when a flood arrives and sweeps him out the boy's ear and into the bathtub. When Buz is back home, he visits the doctor and learns that he has caught a germ!
This book can be read from two approaches. There is the literal approach: the boy has eaten a bug, that's gross. Alternatively, the boy has gotten sick which is known as "getting a bug". Going to the doctor can help alleviate the symptoms and taking a bath might be needed to break a fever, etc. I think readers will probably prefer the first one.
Questions to discuss after reading:
1) Why did the boy go to the doctor? Why do we go to the doctor's? (i.e. when sick/to get vaccines so we don't get sick/checkups)
2) What are pills for? What pills should you take? (this question is an opportunity to talk about only taking medicine that is given by a parent, guardian, relative, etc.)
3) What happens if we eat a bug? (this is an opportunity to discuss any concerns that the reader has about finding a bug in their food)
This book has great pictures: there are various levels of magnification/zoom to the illustrations. Sometimes we're focused on the little boy (where he seems small), sometimes we're focused on Buz (which makes the little boy seem huge); this variation in zoom makes the book dynamic and interesting for the kids.
Game Idea: Duck-duck-goose derivative called "Buz-Buz-Pill" where the child making the selection is Buz and the person they choose to have chase them is the pill.
Craft idea: Make a Buz costume for the kids to wear home. Have some construction paper cut to make a headband that sits comfortably on the children's heads. Have the kids cut out two eyeballs and glue them on the front of the headband. Provide some pipecleaners to make Buz's long nose (attach to construction paper beneath eyes) and his antennas (staple to headband as well). You'll be seeing Buz everywhere.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
By: Bill Martin, Jr.
Illustrated by: Eric Carle
Ages: 0-3

This book is great for introducing children to colours. It uses large illustrations of animals that pop with vibrant colours like red, yellow, blue, green, purple, white, black and of course, brown (my favourite is the green frog with the big smile). There are less than 20 words per two-page spread which makes it a quick read.

Game - Animal noises: Have the programmer demostrates the noises that each animal makes and ask the children to repeat back (i.e. bird, duck, horse, dog, cat, frog, etc.)

Craft - Colouring: Supply the children with illustrated outlines of animals and ask the children to colour the animal with many different colours.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bread and Jam for Frances

Bread and Jam for Frances
Written by Russell Hoban
Illustrated by Lillian Hoban
Ages 4-8

If you are trying to convince someone to try new foods then this is the perfect book for you! Frances is a young child badger who refuses to eat anything except bread and jam. She refuses the poached eggs she is given for breakfast and the veal cutlets she is served for dinner. And when her Mom packs her an egg salad sandwich for lunch, she trades another kid for his bread and jam. Her parents try to explain to Frances that trying new foods is a good thing, but Frances won't hear of it.
Finally, her parents stop offering her their food and serve her only bread and jam. She has it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, day after day. At first she feels lucky to have all the bread and jam she could want. After a while, though, her love for bread and jam starts to fade and she starts to wish she was being given other options. The lunch that Albert brings to school one day makes Frances jealous because he has a few tasty options (a sandwich, an egg, pickles, grapes, a tangerine and milk) but Frances only has bread and jam. Finally she sings, "What I am, is tired of jam".
Frances' parents exchange the bread and jam for many other tasty foods that Frances loves.

Sidenote: As the book was originally written in the 60s, some of the foods may be outdated or unfamiliar to the children (i.e. lobster salad sandwich, veal cutlets, poached eggs).

Questions to discuss with your reader:

  1. Why did Frances stop eating bread and jam when she loves it so much?
  2. What food would you want to eat all the time?
  3. What foods do you hate eating?
  4. If you were Frances' parents, would you let her eat bread and jam all the time? Why/why not?
Programming ideas:
CRAFT IDEA - Print off copies of a plate setting with an empty plate (see on both sides of the page. On one side, have the children draw foods that they love and on the other side, have them draw foods they dislike.

GAME IDEA - Shopping for food.
Give every player a $20 Monopoly bill. Hand them a list of foods (with pictures) that they have to buy in order to make spaghetti and meatballs with a salad. Print out grocery items on a paper, cut them out and scatter them around the programming room (for examples, see the list at the bottom). Write different prices on the same print-out so that they have to choose which type of spaghetti they will buy. Give them 10 minutes (in the first round) to run around and find the foods on the shopping list. Encourage the parents to help them with the adding of the cost of the foods (because they only have $20). Give them a few rounds to play. The winner of the game will get all the ingredients without spending more than $20.
For game printouts, see: